Learn About Wines And Spirits

Zurich Expats interested in learning more about wines and spirits have an English-speaking course at their disposal, run by Byron Catéchis. To find out more, I askled Byron a couple of questions about the courses, and about himself. Hello Byron, tell us a little about yourself I first came to Switzerland in 1985 and worked in Berne and completed the Hotel School in Lucerne. After which I left. Came back and taught at a Hotel School in the Canton de Vaud from 1994 to 1996, left again, returning in 2000 and have stayed. I currently live in the Jura Bernois with my family, but run courses on Wine and Spirits throughout Switzerland in the following languages: English (my mother tongue) French and German. Tell us a little about your Wine and Spirit Education Trust courses, what can one gain from attending? The advantage of following the courses on wine and spirits is that they are recognised in over 55 countries around the world and you follow a programme of study that has been validated by the Qualifications authority in the UK. The programme of study starts with the Level 1 Qualifications where we cover the difference of white, rosé

and red wine, and also a food and wien matching exercise (a one-day course) The Level 2 covers the world, but we go through the world by grape variety, so you taste a Pinot Noir from Burgundy alongside a Pinot Noir from New Zealand and a Pinot Noir from Switzerland - you taste on average 40 -odd wines during the three-day course. The level 3 goes into much more detail with a blind tasting of a white wine and one red wine at the end of the course, you taste around 60 wines over 5 days. What do you gain, knowledge of the acceptable price and quality of wine in the Swiss market as well as being able to choose wine with authority. Should you wish to continue, you could then follow the WSET® Level 4 Diploma in Wines and Spirits which is the same level as a Bachelor degree. Swiss wine courses are also available in all three languages. We also offer similar courses on spirits inlcuding the fruit spirits as per the tradition in Switzerland. How vibrant is the drinking scene in Zurich? are there any trends you have seen in recent years? The maindifference between the French-speaking and the German-speaking part of Switzerland is that in the German part - especially in Zürich, the average consumer is open to wines from around the world. In the French-speaking part, Switzerland, followed by France dominate the market. For Champagne, Switzerland in the 7th most important market, however, the majority is sold and enjoyed in the French-speaking part of the country. The trend in Zürich is to search for something new, with the wine bar and the greater variety of wines available as well as the places where to enjoy them, means that Zürich has a vibrant wine scene. In other parts of Switzerland it is not quite to the same extent (if at all…) In terms of places to relax and enjoy a drink, do you have any recommendations? Personally, I really enjoy the old town of Zürich, but this is more of an open secret known by everyone… on a mild spring evening, walking down by the lake to go and enjoy a simple meal in the old town on a terrace, is one of the best things in life…More info on the courses can be found at http://www.abcwine-spirits.ch/

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